The Great Wildebeest Migration

The Great Wildebeest Migration

The Great Wildebeest Migration stands as one of nature’s most awe-inspiring spectacles, an annual journey that unfolds across the sweeping plains and rivers of East Africa’s Serengeti ecosystem. This epic migration involves over 1.5 million wildebeests, along with hundreds of thousands of zebras and gazelles, traversing vast distances in search of greener pastures and fresh water. Spanning a continuous cycle dictated by seasonal rains, the migration encompasses various stages, from calving in the southern Serengeti to dramatic river crossings in the north.

The journey begins with the onset of the short rains in November, prompting the wildebeests to leave their dry-season grazing grounds in the northern Serengeti and Maasai Mara, Kenya. As they move southward, they gather in enormous herds, braving predators and perilous river crossings, notably across the Mara and Grumeti Rivers from July to October. These crossings are among the migration’s most exhilarating moments, where crocodiles lurk in wait as the herds surge through the water.

This natural phenomenon not only showcases the resilience and instinctual prowess of the herbivores but also fuels the intricate ecosystem of the Serengeti and Maasai Mara, sustaining a diverse array of predators and scavengers. It is a testament to the cyclical rhythm of life in the savannah, drawing wildlife enthusiasts and photographers from around the world to witness this remarkable display of nature’s grandeur and drama.


Dry Season

(December - March)
During the dry season, from December to March, vast herds of wildebeest, zebras, and gazelles gather in the southern Serengeti and the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. This period coincides with the calving season, as hundreds of thousands of wildebeest give birth to their young.

Wet Season

(April - June)
As the rains arrive in April, the herds begin their northwestward migration towards the western corridor of the Serengeti and the Grumeti River area. The lush grasslands following the rains provide abundant grazing opportunities for the migrating herds, fueling their journey.

Dry Season

(August - November)
By August, the herds have typically crossed into the Maasai Mara, continuing their search for food and water. The Mara River poses a formidable obstacle during this period, with dramatic crossings attracting tourists and providing sustenance for awaiting predators like lions and crocodiles.




Calving Season

7 Days Migration Calving Season in Ndutu Area


7 Days The Grumeti River Migration